Fifth Grade Entries | 2023 A Story About Kids by Zoe M. Call of the Ghosts by Aarushi C. Valley of Flowers National Park by Akriti A. The Emoji by Alex D. Is Graffiti Art? by Anvi U. Super Survivors by Ayaana K. Bounty Hunter Life by Ayush S. FRED by Braylon L. Desk Kids by Brianna L. Max’s Rainbow Week by Charley C. Why Are Books Important? by Corbin L. Dream Land by Delilah T. The Adventures of Sonic by Easton C. The Derpy Beast by Eleanor A. Space Battle by Eliana F. Feel It. Com by Elliot M. The Evil Scientist by Elma L. Outbreak by Erez K. Tourmaline by Hildi H. TicTac – A app that caused problems by Kaiwah S. The Forbidden Forrest by Kate S. The Rabbit in Four Seasons by Kenzie T. Two Guys Named Pancake and Syrup by Luke R. The Initiative of the Thirty-Five Homelessness Helpers by Maanya H. The Dragon Egg by Madhavi M. Howling Cat by Mae P. Clouds by Margot J.B Sudoku Puzzles by Mary R. Nightingale’s Tale #1 by Oliver T. My precious poems Pavithra T. The Baker and the Farmer’s Daughter by Reva D. Exploring the Nether by Rowan M. Thinking about THE UNTHINKABLES! by Ryan E. The Smart Elephant by Sanvi A. The Man by Sarah E Scrappy and his family by Sofia G. Keep out by Thadeo M. If Earth Could Speak by Tiana S. A Dream by Vernika S. Forest Cats by Violet R. The Principal by Youngeun J.